veronica cusack

Ko Te Ramaroa a Kupe te Maunga
Ko Hokianga te Moana
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka
Ko Pakanae te Marae
Ko Maraeroa te Whare Tupuna
Ko Ngati Korokoro, Ko Ngati Wharara me Te Pouka te ngā Hapu
Ko Nga Puhi te Iwi
No Hokianga me ahau
Kei Pukekohe toku Kainga inaianei
Ko Veronica Cusack toku Ingoa

Kia ora my name is Veronica Cusack. I am Pākehā/Māori and like a lot of people, I wear many hats. I’m a mum, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, counsellor and confidante.

I’m a “later-in-life counsellor” and recent graduate of a Health Science Degree in Counselling. For me this has meant I’ve been graced with my own personal experiences of life’s complications and challenges. I’m on a personal journey to reconnect with my whakapapa and understand my place in the world as both the coloniser and the colonised.

My hope is to walk alongside you, have you feel seen, heard and accepted in order to help you to take on the difficulties that life produces. I approach all clients through a lens of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and work integratively depending on your/whānau needs and have a base in narrative therapy.

Veronica is available via Zoom Tuesday+ Thursday including late night appointments, Friday evening and Saturday morning. Veronica is a provisional member of NZAC.