Terms + Conditions

It is often a big step to enter individual or couples’ counselling. Congratulations! In order to get the most out of this experience it will be helpful to read and think about the following information. If you have any questions or concerns raise them with your counsellor at the beginning of the next session.


All sessions will be conducted in confidence. Normally, what you talk about with your counsellor will be kept confidential. There are certain exceptions to this (limits to confidentiality), this applies if there is a risk to yourself or someone else. If a risk is identified we will discuss who might be the best person to join our conversation to ensure optimal safety.

Your counsellor has regular supervision and may take your elements of our work to supervision, personal details such as names will be kept confidential. This is to ensure that the best possible practice is offered to clients and it is the professional responsibility of any counsellor to access regular supervision.

In the event that there is a non-payment of fees that extends beyond 3 months, your contact details may be given to an external agency for fee collection.

Information is held in accordance with the Privacy Act (1993).


From time to time notes will be taken, these notes are your property and you are more than welcome to have access to them. A request for notes must be made in writing. A collation of notes may take up to 30 days to prepare.


There is a minimum of 24 hours notice of any cancellation, otherwise you will be invoiced. In the event of an emergency please get in touch at your earliest convenience.


In the event that your therapist needs to cancel the session they will do their best to give you a minimum of 24 hours notice, you will be given options to have your appointment rescheduled.


Fees are set at atawhaicounselling.com or directly with your counsellor. Fees can either be paid prior to the appointment via the website or booking email, or 3 days post appointment via invoice. In the event that fees have not been paid and you have an upcoming appointment, this appointment may be postponed. In the event that your fees remain unpaid for a period of more than 30 days, future sessions will need to be prepaid.

In the event that there is a non-payment of fees that extends beyond 3 months (12 weeks), your details may be given to an external agency for fee collection.


In your consult or at the start of your first session frequency of counselling will be discussed, it is advised that no more than 3 weeks goes between sessions to ensure best therapeutic outcomes. When we leave therapy for too long we may start to lose the therapeutic benefits, therapy works best with consistent appointments. We understand that this may not work for everyone and that time + finances have a role to play in how often we can access therapy. Please discuss this further with your therapist. Here is also a article with more understanding: Therapy session frequency.


When you feel ready to finish your counselling it is important to bring this up with your counsellor so that together you can plan for ending your work in a satisfactory way.


Sometimes you may accidentally meet your counsellor outside of the sessions – it is important to tell your counsellor how you want to handle this.


Atawhai Counselling + Supervision do not offer crisis services, if you are experiencing a mental health emergency please contact 111, your GP or the mental health crisis team (0800 800 717).


This website is created by Kyrin Bhula of Atawhai Counselling with information and resources designed to be beneficial for individuals and the wider public. All information and resources provided are at the discretion of Atawhai Counselling and those who access them. Atawhai Counselling does not accept liability for injury, loss or damage incurred by the used of these resources or services.


If we have entered into a supervision contract there may be elements of reporting that your employer requires, if this is the case we will discuss what this may look like and what information you would like to have shared. In the event that a risk or concern has been raised with you and no adequate solution has been found in supervision, your employer may be contacted.