Kyrin Bhula with her Māmā Martha Bhula. Kyrin is a counsellor, therapist and supervisor based in Auckland NZ. She is Māori, wāhine and identifies as queer.

Kyrin Bhula with her Māmā Martha Bhula - Kyrin is a wahine Māori counsellor, therapist and supervisor based in Auckland, NZ



Kia ora,

Ko Maungatautari tōku maunga
Ko Waikato tōku awa
Ko Tainui tōku iwi
Ko ngāti Korokī Kahukura tōku hapū
Ko Maungatautari tōku marae
Ko Martha rāua ko Mo ōku mātua
Ko kaitiaki tōku mahi
Ko Kyrin Tāpeka tōku ingoa

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Welcome to Atawhai Counselling & Supervision. My name is Kyrin and I am born and raised right here in Aotearoa. I spent most of my younger years in Tauranga bought up in a bicultural whānau with my Māori Mum and Indian Dad. Today I live, love and work in Tāmaki-Makaurau (Auckland).

About my Work

I am clinically and experientially trained. Having been in the support work and social work industry for 10 years, I have a breadth and depth of experience. I work from a strength-based relational foundation. I work with my clients to find and build on the tools and resources that they already have, utilising methods from motivational interviewing, narrative therapy and pūrākau. I am guided by indigenous models, theories and practices which are activated by the needs and wants of clients. I value kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) and believe that when we connect face to face, we also connect heart to heart. I am passionate about working with BIPOC communities as well as working in and supporting the LGBTQI+ community, which I am part of.

I work with individuals, couples, families and professionals.


Bachelor of Health Science
Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Arts
Religious studies
University of Canterbury


Member of NZAC
I comply with the NZAC Code of Ethics
Member of NZCEFT

Disclaimer: This website is created by Kyrin Bhula of Atawhai Counselling with information and resources designed to be beneficial for individuals and the wider public. All information and resources provided are at the discretion of Atawhai Counselling and those who access them. Atawhai Counselling does not accept liability for injury, loss or damage incurred by the use of these resources or services. all information received to atawhai counselling is confidential and held within the privacy act (1993).


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